haha~Bubble wrote her blog in English
I went to cut my hair with my sister last Saturday afternoon
It took almost one hour to wash and cut hair
If you wanna see my new hair style, maybe I will put the fotos on my "no-name" = ="
But I said "maybe"
If I won't put them on my no-name website,you guys just wait for a week and see next Monday!
This new semester is going to start on twelveth this month (next Monday)
I hope I will do better than last semester especially "wei-chi-fen" (I can't spell this word @@")
I must pass this course even though the professor is Wang Kuo-Cheng
My dear friends~make a wish for me T_T
Bubble, don't forget to bring the note of "wei-chi-fen" to me~
thanx a lot !!!
(responders must reply in English^^)