
小牛的主將 我心愛的Dirk居然受傷啦(泣)
(為什麼又是馬刺 你給說阿!!!)


那個馬刺的五號在落地時 腳去踹到Dirk要落地的左腳
導致Dirk無法正常落地 於是就...................掛點了
就是因為這樣而斷送籃球生命 直接從NBA退休
目前仍是day to day

後有第八的勇士 和第九的金塊 緊追在後
7場客場 4場主場
恩...實在是不好打 今年小牛的客場實在是很爛(跟以前來比的話)

3/28 @金塊 目前第九 聽說AI這場會回來 所以是場硬仗 最好要給我贏下來
3/31 @勇士 目前第八 也是非贏不可 但是也是場大硬仗
4/1 @快艇 沒有不贏的道理 快艇已經出局了
4/3 vs勇士 非贏不可
4/5 @湖人 目前的西區第二 ㄜ...難打 而且又在Stable center 盡力拼了(大汗)
4/7 @太陽 目前第西區第六 也是硬仗阿(汗)
4/9 vs超音速 敢輸給我試試看
4/11 vs爵士 目前是西區(假性)的第四名 實際上是第六 基本上對上他們也不好打阿(汗)
4/13 @拓荒者 他們目前還有進季後賽希望 所以應該會很拼 小牛也是不能掉以輕心
4/14 @超音速 一定要贏的比賽
4/17 vs黃蜂 目前的西區第一 雖然打黃蜂我對小牛是很有信心啦 但是還是要小心!!

絕對是可以撐到Dirk回來 並挺進季後賽

今天早上對上快艇 Dirk受傷後的第一場
小牛得分第二號Josh轟了32分 Stack也有20分
而Damp這個柱子 居然有19分+17籃板的表現(傻眼了我)
只要Jet你表現在好一些的話 我會比較放心~(居然才拿4分 你欠打阿)
總隻這段DIrk不在的期間 小牛諸將們要加油啦

因為本人這星期要考托益 所以來練一下英文的閱讀吧@@"

Follow the jump for a transcription of Dirk's chat with the media this afternoon. Questions are paraphrased; his answers are verbatim.

How do you feel?

"I'm on some painkillers, obviously, so the pain is not that bad. Just a little stiff, mostly the ankle. Both the knee as well. (膝蓋和腳踝都有扭傷= =")Got a little knee sprain, too, so ... Just really an awkward, unfortunate play. My leg really got caught in the wrong place. It's a little disappointing now, but I think the good thing is it could've been a lot worse. I was really lucky.(沒錯 看看Livingston) Something more could've happened to my knee or the leg could've been broken. I think this is the best-case scenario."

How long you think you'll be out?

"The problem is it's a high ankle sprain, so it's not really a normal ankle sprain. I really don't have any experience with this. (親愛的Dirk因為你最常的就是腳踝受傷阿~) This is fairly new to me. And with the knee, I've never really had knee problems, a sprained knee before. So I'm just going to take it day by day. I think the first 48 hours are important to keep no swelling from coming in.

"I iced it a couple of times last night, got up every two hours, and I'll probably do the same thing tonight and the hopefully when there's no swelling we'll see how it progresses from day to day. I really don't know how long it's going to take -- a week? Two weeks? I have no idea." (總之越快回來越好)

Sense of urgency?

"Especially looking at the tight playoff picture. Every game hurts to sit out. This is probably the most painful time to miss games. That's very discouraging. Like I said I'm try to see the positive and it could've been a lot worse. it could've been a season-ending injury or even career-ending. So I'm definitely trying to see the positive side. (不是有首歌叫做always look on the bright side嗎? 快唱)

"It was hard to watch the fourth quarter yesterday and not be out there. We had trouble scoring. It was definitely tough just to sit there and watch."

Will you be back by end of season?

"I'm hoping. Like I said, I really don't know how it's going to respond b/c I've never really had a high ankle sprain. Usually I'm good with recovering from injuries. (對!這小子復元的功力可好的呢)I know I'm not 20 any more, but I still feel young, my body feels young. So hopefully I can recover pretty quick.

"This is a huge stretch. I was looking at the schedule just yesterday and a lot of big games coming up, on the road a lot of traveling. So I'd love to be out there soon."

Are your teammates ready to step up?

"We gotta get better offensively. We'll be all right. Josh has to get his scoring up, Jet has to come of f the bench and score. Kidd has to look for his shot a little more and Stack has been doing great. I think everyone has to pick it up a little bit. Bass will see some action and be the explosive scorer we've seen him become this year. Just collectively we've got to get it done offensively because I think defensively we're fine. We adjusted and Kidd has adjusted to the D system really nice. I think our offense hasn't really been as sharp as we want. Hopefully we can all pick up the slack there." (所以....跑轟吧 兄弟們!!!)

Can Mavs make the playoffs without you?

"Well, we'll see what happens. In this league anything's possible. Everything's so tight, but if we rally together sometimes a team comes closer together if a player goes down. So, we'll just see what happens, but I'm confident in the guys and we'll go from there." (沒錯 我也有信心 只要Jet你表現的像Jet就好!!!)

Will team get blown up if it doesn't make playoffs? (什麼鬼問題 觸霉頭!!)

"I'm not thinking about all that yet. We're in the middle of a playoff hunt, as of now we're still in the playoffs, so I don't even want to think that we're not going to make the playoffs. I'm going to ice my butt off for the next couple of days and hopefully I can be out there as soon as I can. I don't even want to think about that we don't make the playoffs, that's not how I want to think."

What will you do to rehab?

"I'm on anti-inflammatories, lots of icing, it's important for the first 48 hours because of the swelling, then I really don't know. We'll take it day-by-day, trust our trainers, trust our doc, then go from there. Hopefully I can move where I can already go on the underwater treadmill a little bit in the next couple of days so at least I can put some pressure on it and see how it feels. That's kind of where I go." (不過聽說trainer還沒喬好要用哪種療程說= =")

Will you be like Terrell Owens and use a hyperbaric chamber?

"I don't have any experience in that area so whatever really I need to do I will do. I always have done that, whatever I need to do to get my health back is what I will do. Like I said, I will trust the doctor, our trainer obviously and they will make the correct decisions for me. They obviously have my best interests and the Mavericks' best interests at heart."

Will you travel?

"I don't know. We have another day tomorrow, a full day of treatment, full day today and then travel on Wednesday, so I really have no idea. When I actually say I take it day-by-day, it's saying with this injury I'll do whatever they tell me. I'd love to go and support the troops and be there, but if it's best to stay here and get treatment and sleep in whatever treatment I need to sleep in, I'll do that." (睡覺要乖乖睡喔 不要和女友亂來阿...(毆))

Rockets winning without Yao give hope? (拜託 兩隊是互相獨立的兩個母體耶   沒有共變數)

"Every team is different, but I think we can rally around it. We have enough guys that can play. Malik Allen fits in great, he'll see some time now at the four-spot, he can spread the floor, shoot, he's a pretty good defender, we all know what [Brandon] Bass brings, we can even go small with [Devean] George at the four some against the smaller teams that are coming up, Golden State, Phoenix we have in this run. We're deep enough, hopefully everybody else will stay healthy and we'll be all right." (總之大家要全力以赴就是了)

(from:Dallas Morning News)

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